Not enough items 1.0.5
Not enough items 1.0.5

The only way i can see this problem being resolved is to make the blue dragons attack the player's main based from time to time, make them feel like a threat as well, otherwise the player simply ignores them completely and that is bad, you can for example spice things up, make the mission not feel like a boring melee map and make the blue dragons also attack the undead nerubians as well as the player, you can put some blue dragon nests in the same locations and make them spawn dragons that go with periodic waves and just create chaos everywhere, then the player has to put an end to the dragons and he will get the bonus, mind you the bonus being only gold and wood is very lame, the reward from quests should also be some kind of cool items, cool items makes the map fun. The reason i did the side quest after i already destroyed the enemy bases was because building units that can only attack air is a bad idea while fighting only ground units, maybe i would have finished the side quest faster if there wasn't also the food upkeep problem, when i saw i was already going over the 50 food i simply decided to not build any more flying units and focus only on the ground since that was the only threat. i did the sidequest after i already destroyed both enemy bases so that extra gold and wood was pretty much useless. Mission 2 was your average campaign mission with learning the base buildings and fighting other enemies with bases, i usually dislike these kind of missions cuz they are boring, for example if i wanted to play a melee map i could do so with the milions of the maps and races that already exist, for a custom campaign a melee style mission has to have some more unique fighting aspects to it other than the classic, destroy the enemy base thing, don't get me wrong there was indeed that side quest with the dragons but. What can i say other than the mission felt right, fun sidequest and all, little crates to destroy to get some items and tomes always nice to have, for a first mission it was good. Mission 1 was interesting, it is a good start for a campaign, the way you introduce the heroes and units little by little with small explanations is very well done, and the overall mission was fun to play and explore, reminds me of that mission with escorting the kodos with Cairne from the og war3 campaign. The other 2 heroes from mission 1 and 3 had decent spells, i enjoyed playing with them. The Heroes also seem to be done well, their spells are decent, i wasn't a big fan of the spells of the Spider agility hero with the big sword from the second mission tho, his first spell was decent, but the other 2 spells were just totally useless. The maps are done well, i like the 2 new unique races: the Living Nerubians and the Undead Nerubians, they are done really well, from their cool insect/alien skins to their unique abilities and the way they work using more of a starcraft like route to base building with queens and eggs, i very much enjoyed it. might want to look into that and put them in the correct order Initial enemy waves against player are weaker. Waves of weak Ghouls constantly swarm the Red base. Nestholds have additional hit points to last longer. New creep areas and neuteral buildings added in the expanded areas. M6 had major revamps expanded the map and moved Grey's base above Red's so that it is easier to defend the Nestholds. Main structures now have "Select Birthing Eggs." Which is an ability that can help with macro-ing eggs while looking away from base. Updated M2, M3, M5, M6 with a new ability. They now spawn at the start of game and Queens go to harvest it. Making it slightly easier to siege enemy bases. M6: Lodestars now reduce enemy attack damage. Everything worked when I tested it through the campaign editor, but when I exported the maps, some problems arised.

Not enough items 1.0.5